Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Far Reaches of a Natural Diet

His name is David Murdock, and he is 90 years old. His story is quite compelling in that he has become an avowed vegan after the loss of his beloved wife at age 43 from cancer. He began studying everything he could about nutrition, and eventually came to understand the power that food has on the body, in maintaining health or causing disease. He has devoted his time, energy and billions to medical research on cancer, especially as it relates to nutrition.

His research has shown how powerful natural foods are, especially fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds.  He does not eat red meat, and has given up dairy. 

If one studies the evolution of the human animal, it becomes immediately clear that from the beginning of time, we were meant to forage for roots, climb trees or shake them for their fruit, and find vegetation suitable for feeding, until the beginnings of the agrarian age, when humans began to plan and cultivate vegetables on farms.  Notable in all that history is how physical we were, and how devoid of artificial additives or processing our food was.

Take a closer look at your diet.  Begin to exaggerate and enhance the good stuff, the unaltered apple and fresh figs, and begin to eschew all processed foods.  Do this little by little, nothing dramatic, no white knuckles.  Start reading, examining and thinking.  Start taking better care of yourself.

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