Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Recording Progress - or Lack Thereof

This blog is called Diet Proof Your Life, describing my attitude that controlling one's weight should be done calmly, gently, without a so-called "diet" that is a temporary situation, only to return to your old habits when the diet is finished.  In that regard, suppose you want to lose some weight - how do you achieve that, except through a diet? The simple answer is that once you decide on a workable eating plan, that plan should "get you there" automatically, without counting calories or deprivation.  That is assuming your plan is "workable," something you can enjoy for a lifetime.  As for "getting there," if you keep driving north on I-95, eventually you know you'll reach New York.  So it is with a workable eating plan.  Eventually, your weight will find its balance in conformity with your eating.

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