Friday, April 6, 2012

Self Trust

I expect that folks have been reading, or will be reading, this blog at some point.  I imagine that some may think that I am a fool-proof skinny who has never had to diet in her life; never struggles; never white knuckles it.  Wrong!

In fact, over the past couple of years or so, I have experienced a rather bad time of it, in terms of cravings and difficulty sticking with my plan.  And each time I "fail," I berate myself, mock myself with negative self talk.  And in so doing, I condemn myself to continuing the same experience.  How?  While it is true that I have had many so-called failures to stick to a proper, healthy diet, it is also true that I have had many successes, and it is indeed such successes that have prompted me to write my book, Diet Proof Your Life, which is the theme of this blog.  You see, self-talk is extremely powerful, and what you say to yourself has an enormous impact on your subsequent beliefs and consequent behaviors.  Self-talk can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.  So, if I have failed (to stick to my diet) or if I succeed in it, all translates to self-talk.  The issue, then, is which self-talk will you believe in?  The one that puts you down as a "failure," or the one that raises you and makes you feel proud and good about yourself, thereby propelling you to further gains?

Your choice.

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