Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Resolutions? Not me.

I did not make any resolutions for 2011, yet I managed to exceed whatever dreams I harbored 12 months ago.  This blog is about diet-proofing one's life, but my aspirations included much more than my eating habits.  For example, in April 2011, I re-joined Toastmasters International, and have since attained two advanced designations, pointing out my level of involvement, and the joy I experience from this new-found pastime.  As the tenets of Diet Proof Your Life hold, maintaining myself healthy and at the correct body weight is much more involved than simply dieting and exercise: it is a lifestyle that shines a light on every facet of life that sustains or detracts from my preferred state, and Toastmasters is one facet which absolutely supports my well-being, providing an outlet for my pent-up desire to speak publicly, to impart my opinions, to matter.

So, I am starting 2012 without any resolutions, as such.  Do I have aspirations?  Of course, and those shall happen in the course of time, as a continuum.  For example, one of my aspirations is to become a paid speaker.  To that end, I will continue to participate in Toastmasters, and will continue to publicize my desire to be paid for what I have to say.

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