Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You mean, they'll never go away?!?

"They" in this case refers to fat cells.  If what Dr. Doug McGuff says is true, then we may as well fold it up.   On his website,, he indicates that we are conditioned from the moment of concepcion to have a certain DNA (we all know that part), but the importance of that statement is that our DNA is set for life.  Sadly, I will never, ever look like Cindy Crawford, no matter how much time I spend on the stretching torture machine!  My DNA makes me 5 feet 2 inches tall.  Period.  Cindy, eat your heart out!  More to the point, insulin is what is responsible for turning carbs into fat.  But not all carbs are bad.  So-called bad carbs are those from simple sugars (the refined table sugar, the corn syrup, etc.) and refined flour, in short, refined, processed foods are the bad carbs that one should avoid.  The reason to avoid them is becuase consuming them triggers insulin production, frequently to excess, which floods the bloodstream in order to metabolize the sugar, but then it produces a low blood sugar situation, which makes you "crash."  The way out of this is to replenish your source of easily-available and easily-digested sugars (fast food, anyone?).  To make matters much worse,

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